Sponsorship Opportunities
Green Corn Festival Sponsorships – 2025
Mega Corn Sponsorship – $5,000 (Diamond)
Business Logo on website with link / Logo on Festival Schedule Banners / Logo on tee shirts / 7 posts on Optimist Facebook page / Logo on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to insert marketing material or promotional items
Bushel Corn Sponsorship – $1,500 (Platinum)
Business Logo on website with link / Logo on Festival Schedule Banners / Logo on tee shirts / 5 posts on Optimist Facebook page / Logo on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to insert marketing material or promotional items.
Green Corn Sponsorship – $1,000 (Gold)
Business Logo on website with link / Logo on Festival Schedule Banners / Logo on tee shirts / 3 posts on Optimist Facebook page / Logo on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to insert marketing material or promotional items.
Yellow Corn Sponsorship – $750 (Silver)
Business listed on website with link / Logo on Festival Schedule Banners / Business name on tee shirts / 2 posts on Optimist Facebook page / Business name on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to insert marketing material or promotional items.
White Corn Sponsorship – $350 (Bronze)
Business listed on website / Business listed on Festival Schedule Banners / Business name on tee shirts / Business name on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to insert marketing material or promotional items
Sprout Sponsorship – $100
Business name on 100 Optimist Tote Bags and free to put marketing material or promotional items)
- All Sponsors can buy additional Carnival Wristbands for $25 each. Good on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday (one day only). Purchase additional wristbands here.
- We encourage all sponsors to be in the parade so we can give you even more recognition. Sign up for the Parade here.
Green Corn Festival Sponsorship Application
Upon receipt of this Sponsorship Application, the company will be vetted and a follow-up email will be sent with payment information.